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Canopy flooring is back in stock. Order a sample today!
Canopy flooring is back in stock. Order a sample today!


Carpet is a top pick for those who prioritize coziness and warm underfoot feeling. It's perfect for cooler climates and adds a snug feel to bedrooms and living spaces.

Another reason people decide on carpet is its noise-reduction properties, which are really handy for homes with kids and pets running around.

Plus, with an endless choice of colors and textures, you can find suitable decor for all spaces, from playful tones for kids' rooms to calming tones for bedrooms and stylish options for living rooms.

Carpet Price Range

As with any other flooring, ballpark figures extend over a pretty wide range of prices, with cheap carpet options starting at $2.5 and ending with luxurious options that can go over $15 per square foot.

However, you can expect to find plenty of quality options at about $6-$8 per square foot, but even at the lower end of the price range, you can still find the softness and style that you desire. 

On top of that, carpet installation prices are significantly lower compared to laminate, LVP, or hardwood, with prices for installation hovering at about 0.5$ to $1 per square foot.

Carpet Designs and Textures

You should be aware that carpet is a single name for many products that differ in materials used, manufacturing, and texture so much that they should each have their own category.
Carpet can be made from:
  • Nylon: Nylon carpets are the most durable, resilient, and stain-resistant. If you ever walked on a carpeted hallway in a hotel, it was probably nylon carpet because it's suitable for heavy traffic areas.

  • Polyester: Polyester carpets are known for their luxurious look and feel. They offer great color clarity and are stain-resistant, which is why you can easily find polyester carpets in stylish designs and lively colors.

  • Wool: Wool is the golden standard for carpets. Wool is natural, soft, and durable, with excellent stain resistance. However, the premium quality of natural materials does come with a higher price tag.

  • Olefin (Polypropylene): Olefin carpets' number one quality is their resistance to moisture and mildew. They are also nearly impossible to stain, which makes them suitable for use even in bathrooms. The only drawback is that olefin cannot soak up major spills and can remain wet for prolonged periods.

One more thing that affects the performance and appearance of carpet is pile technique.  The way the carpet fibers are looped or cut creates unique looks and textures. 

The most common pile types include:

  • Loop pile: These carpets have uncut loops of yarn. Loop piles are durable and resilient, plus they are easy to maintain, which makes loop pile carpets a popular solution for many homeowners.
  • Berber: The Berber technique is a type of loop pile with larger, thicker loops. It originates from Africa and creates a combination of resilience and exceptional stain resistance, which makes it suitable for busy spaces.
  • Cut pile: The Cut pile has the loops of yarn sheared off, which gives it a softer feel. They have a soft underfoot feel and don’t require too much maintenance, so people often choose them for bedrooms and living rooms where comfort is prioritized.
  • Saxony: This is a luxurious style of cut pile with longer fibers that create a plushy and velvety texture. Saxony carpets' main drawback is that they show footprints and vacuum marks more easily, but they offer unparalleled softness and are a popular choice for kids' rooms.
  • Frieze: Frieze carpet has tightly twisted yarn that curls back on itself. This creates a textured and casual look. This style hides footprints and provides a durable choice for busy spaces.


Brands That Offer the Best Carpet in Our Selection

If the comfy underfoot feeling and stylish appearance of the carpet are the right choices for you, we offer a selection of brands with a wide range of different carpets. This allows you to find the perfect combo of design, texture, and loop types that will be a perfect fit for your space and lifestyle requirements.
Brands that sell the best carpet in our selection:
  • DH Floors - Made for those looking for affordable fashion. 
  • Proximity Mills - Carpet built for pets and families.  
  • Fabrica - Designed for timeless beauty
  • Masland - A wide variety of colors, stles and collections. 
  • Newton - Carpet at affordable prices
  • Doma - Designer carpet 
  • Paradiso - Luxury look and feel
  • Chesapeake - In-stock carpet with a variety of colors
AvondaleMagicalMysticalRaindropsSalty AirSisalWheat
AbsoluteExceptionalAuthenticClassicCompellingCompleteConcreteConsummateConvincingDefiniteEntireExcellentExtremeFabulousFancyFineFirst ClassFlawlessGenuineGrandIdealImpeccableMarvelousOutrightPerfectPositivePrecisePrimePureRealRefinedSuperbSureTop NotchTotalUndeniableUtter
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AmazingAwesomeDistinctiveExcellentExclusiveImpressiveInspiringMagnificentMarvelousOne of a KindRare BeautyRenownedSpecialStunningUnequalledWonderful
AmbianceStonehengeBambooButtercupCambridgeDriftwoodIntriqueKarmaMidnightOcean SideSand DuneSierraTribeca
AmericanaMontereyAdirondackAdobeAmarettoAngelAppalachiaArchitectureAspenBajadaBeach PebbleBighornBiscayne BayBlue RidgeBreckenridgeBurroButteCanyonCaptivaCascadesCharcoalChuparosaCliffroseCoatiCoyoteCrimson SunsetCultureDaytonaDesert PaintbrushEcruElkEmerald SeaFoamGardenGlacierGraffitiHamptonLandmarkLandscapeLargoLight HouseMesaMetropolisMonumentMt. St. HelensMuralMuseumNeighborhoodNewportOperaOtterOzarkPadre IslandParkPearl BlushPierPike's PeakPlateauPlayaPlaygroundPortsmouthRiver RockRoyal GorgeRuralSandSanibelScallopScenerySeaweedSkylineSnow CapSonoraSpruceStormy SkyStream BedTahoeTetonTopazTown SquareTrafficYukon


AntoinetteMidnightAnitque RoseLeatherSaddleSand
Artisan DiamondAdmiral BluePlatinumQuarryParchmentBrushed NickelSoft GreenIce BlueTitaniumChar Brown
Artisan LeopardParchmentSoft GreenIce BlueBrushed NickelQuarryAdmiral BlueOnyx
Artist ViewLandscapeBrush StrokeCanvasEaselPalettePortraitPrussian BlueRaw UmberRed OchreSculptureSiennaSketch PadStill LifeTitanium BuffWatercolor
AshaStoneCreamDeep SeaFieldGlacierIronRockSteel
AspectsTarnishedTangoStonewareSequinSandbarkReservedPonderOasisMuseumLucentIron OreInsightfulInlandFrolicFedoraEscapeEnduringCast IronButternutBittersweetAvenueAntiquityAloofAdrift
AttributesWeatheredWaterlooVeiledSweet CornSunglowSoft TaupeRuggedPowderPlasterPistachioNickelMountain StoneMeadowMaltedIntricateHushedHearthGreenfieldGrecianCanyonBrevityBlue JeanBattleshipBalanced
AuthenticWorthyVerifiedValidUndeniableUltimateTrue BlueSureSimplicityRealPureProvenProbablePositiveOriginalNaturalLegitimateHonorableHonestGenuineFaithfulCredibleActualAbsoluteAboveboard
Ax PlaidIvory DoveCocoaAntique GoldBlackCharcoalDove IvoryGarnetNavySage
BangladeshDynastyBengalCanvasCharcoalCoconutCreamDeltaEmpireEvergreenFlaxFloralHighlandKingdomLinenMangroveMeadowOceanParadisePatinaPeacockPewterPrincessRoyaltySilkSmokeSoft LightStormSultanTurbanWeatheredWheatWhite Cap
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BataviaTender TaupeCharcoalCinder BlockCreamFirst StarMediterraneanMidnightMint FrappeOliviaPewterReefSeedlingSerene BlueSkylineSoft JadeSpring GreenTortoiseVeranda
Bayview IGravityHarborsideOn The RocksSandy Springs
Bayview IIOn The RocksGravityHarborsideSandy Springs
BeaucoupSoft TweedBlack IceGraniteHeavy CreamQuarryStoneworks
Bedford TweedBrightonBristol BeigeDartmoorHighland GreyLondon FogManchesterOxfordSheffieldYorkshire Tan
BedfordshireIvoryGraniteNight FallQuartzRusset
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BelmondCoconutAspenBasketCafe LatteCambridgeEcruGolden GlowGreysonLichenLunaLuxMagicOvercastParchmentPorcelainPyramidRattanRed OakSea GrassSilver ScreenTanneryTaupe TouchTurtleWood Ash
Belmont ICoastalAlpineBeach SandCape CodGlacierMetallicMochaPearl RiverPewterRocky ShoreTrue GrayWestwood
Belmont IIAlpineBeach SandCape CodCoastalGlacierMetallicMochaPearl RiverPewterRocky ShoreTrue GrayWestwood
BengalBobtailCheshireColonel MeowCrème PuffFelicetteFelixGarfieldLynxMarmaladeSalemSphynxStubsSylvesterTomTommasoVenus

from $0.00

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Big DogShar PeiSchnauzerSamoyedPinscherPapillionGriffonGreyhoundDachshundBulldogBichon Frise
Big KahunaSilverAquaDesertGreenMidnightNavySandSlate




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BroadwayBlue WaveBaysideMorning MistSand DuneSea Stone
BRUSHstrokesTitanium WhiteArtist BeretBrushesCanvasCharcoalClayEaselsFrameFrescoGlazeGlossGraphiteImpressionistIridescentLandscapeMona LisaMonetOchrePalettesPewterPicassoPortraitPottery WheelRembrandtSculptureSilverSketchbookSpatulaStarry NightUmberWater Lilly'sZinc