Are you choosing between carpet or laminate and want to know how they compare in different settings? 

Laminate flooring and carpet are both great flooring options, so in this article, we pit laminate and carpet flooring against each other to answer questions: Is carpet cheaper than laminate? Which one will last longer? Which one won’t cause allergies?

So let us start with a comparison of laminate vs carpet so that you can make an easier decision about which one to choose from the two.

Cut pile carpet

Carpet vs Laminate Cost, Which One is Cheaper?

Both carpet and laminate flooring present a wide range of pricing options, generally making them more affordable than luxury alternatives like hardwood. Generally, carpet is considered cheaper than laminate flooring, but it all depends on what kind of carpet you are buying, and there are so many affordable laminate flooring brands nowadays that bridge the price gap.

Carpet Costs: Carpet pricing varies significantly based on material quality, pile height (hair length), and fiber type. Costs can range from as low as $1 to around $15 per square foot for high-end options like wool. Synthetic fibers like nylon, polypropylene, and polyester offer a balance of affordability and durability.

Laminate Costs: Laminate flooring also offers a broad pricing spectrum, from $1 to $11 per square foot. The cost reflects the quality of the layers that make up the flooring, including the core, decorative, and wear layers, with more intricate designs and textures commanding higher prices.

Verdict: While both carpet and laminate offer cost-effective solutions, your choice may boil down to specific preferences and the intended use of the space. Carpet can offer a luxurious feel at a higher cost, especially with high-end materials like wool. 

At the same time, laminate provides a wide range of aesthetic options at various price points. If budget is a key concern, comparing the total cost, including both materials and installation, will provide a clearer picture.

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Installation Costs and Considerations

The installation process and costs for carpet and laminate flooring can significantly impact the overall budget and should be carefully considered.

Carpet Installation: Professional installation is highly recommended for carpets due to the complexity of the process, which involves stretching, tacking, and precise measurements. Installation costs vary and may include additional expenses for subfloor repairs, padding, and remnant removal.

Laminate Installation: Laminate flooring is more DIY-friendly, with many products offering a simple click-and-lock installation process. While professional installation is an option, many homeowners choose to install laminate themselves to save on costs. Additional expenses may include underlayment, moisture barriers for concrete subfloors, and wedges or spacers.

Verdict: Carpet installation requires professional expertise to ensure a flawless finish, potentially adding to the overall cost, while laminate flooring offers more flexibility with DIY-friendly options. However, the final decision should consider the long-term value, as proper installation does impact the appearance and longevity of the flooring, and that could also improve resale value.

Which One Will Last Longer?

The lifespan and durability of your flooring choice play a significant role, especially in high-traffic areas.

Carpet Longevity: Carpets generally last between 5 and 20 years, depending on the quality and usage. High-traffic areas may show signs of wear sooner, leading to earlier replacement needs.

Laminate Longevity: Laminate flooring is known for its durability, with high-quality options lasting up to 30 years or more. Its resilience to wear, furniture movement, and general usage make it a cost-effective option in the long run.

Verdict: If longevity and resilience are your priorities, laminate flooring generally offers a more durable solution, potentially lasting up to 30 years or more, making it ideal for high-traffic areas. In contrast, carpets offer comfort and luxury but might require more frequent replacements, especially in busy areas of your home.

Is Laminate or Carpet Easier To Maintain?

Ease of maintenance is an important factor for busy households.

Carpet Maintenance: Carpets require regular vacuuming and occasional deep cleaning to maintain their look and hygiene. They trap allergens, are susceptible to mold and mildew if exposed to moisture, and can be hard to keep clean if you have dogs or any other pets that can potentially even damage your carpet. 

Laminate Maintenance: Laminate floors are relatively low-maintenance, requiring only regular sweeping or vacuuming and occasional damp mopping. They do not trap allergens and are easier to keep clean, though they are not entirely waterproof and can be damaged by excessive moisture.

Verdict: For busy households prioritizing ease of maintenance, laminate floors offer a straightforward cleaning regimen and don’t trap allergens, making them a practical choice. On the other hand, carpets require regular maintenance, including vacuuming and occasional deep cleaning, to maintain their appearance and hygiene.

Room Suitability and Comfort

Make sure to consider the intended use of the room when choosing between carpet and laminate flooring.

Carpet: Offers warmth and a soft feel underfoot, making it ideal for bedrooms and living areas. However, it is not suitable for high-moisture areas like bathrooms and laundry rooms.

Laminate: Provides a versatile and hard-wearing surface suitable for most areas of the home, including kitchens and bathrooms with appropriate moisture barriers. While not as warm as carpet, it offers a clean, modern look and is resistant to staining and water damage.

Verdict: Your choice between carpet or laminate should mostly be influenced by the specific needs of each room. Carpet flooring, with its warm and soft feel, is ideal for bedrooms and living areas, offering a cozy ambiance. Laminate, known for being versatile and durable, is more suited for high-moisture areas like kitchens and bathrooms, as well as high-traffic zones, offering a modern and clean aesthetic.


The environmental impact of your flooring choice, from production to disposal, is an increasingly important consideration for many of us.

Carpet: Often made from synthetic materials, though eco-friendly options like wool, jute, and sisal are also available. Still, end-of-life disposal can be challenging due to the non-biodegradable materials the carpet is made from.

Laminate: Typically made from composite wood products, with some eco-friendly options using recycled materials. Check for low VOC-emitting options to ensure healthier indoor air quality.

Verdict: Environmentally conscious consumers should weigh the production and disposal impacts of their flooring choice. Carpets offer natural, eco-friendly options like wool, but synthetic materials can be challenging to dispose of. Laminate flooring, often made from composite wood, can include eco-friendly and recycled materials. Opting for low VOC-emitting laminate can also promote better indoor air quality.

Making a Decision 

In conclusion, the choice between carpet or laminate flooring depends on a variety of factors, including budget, room usage, personal style preferences, and willingness to engage in maintenance. We often say that there is no wrong choice when comparing quality flooring solutions. Also, don’t be shy about asking your local retailer about different flooring types, as they will most likely answer your questions, but in case you wanted more, hopefully this article was able to provide it.

About The Author

Samuel Greenberg

February 1, 2024

Associate Director of Content Marketing at FlooringStores (and its parent company, Broadlume), Samuel is a former travel writer, English teacher, and semi-professional trivia host. When he’s not creating content, he can be found doing crosswords, drinking coffee, and petting the office dogs.