Congratulations! You’ve done the research, perused Pinterest, visited your local retailers, read online reviews, looked at sample after sample, and picked out your new floors. Now all that’s left to do is wait for the installers to come and put them in, right?

Not so fast!

If you’re having new floors installed in your home, you should probably get the space ready for the installer who’s coming to do the job. Here are some things you’ll need to do before installation gets underway.

Out with the old

If you’re working with a professional installer, they’ll likely remove your existing floors. Figure out what needs to be done with them after they’ve been removed. If the installer can take care of disposal, great. If not, call your local municipality and see what the rules are for removal.

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Move what you can

Some installers will move heavy furniture or appliances for you; others won’t. Communicate with your installer or installers to find out what they’ll be responsible for, and what you’ll be responsible for.

If the installers won’t be moving your furniture for you, do your best to move what you can. Obviously, if you can’t move something like a washing machine or bookshelf on your own, don’t hurt yourself! If you aren’t able to move heavy furniture or appliances on your own, find a third party to help. Ask your installer for recommendations!

You’ll be responsible for moving any breakables, valuables, or items that could get in the installers’ way. Knick-knacks, art, frames, books, and other small items should be removed beforehand. You’ll also want to remove any items you may need during the installation process. You don’t want to realize halfway through your bathroom tile installation that you forgot to grab your toothbrush!

Wall hangings or decorations that might get in the way, such as drapes, shower curtains, electronics, or pictures, will also need to be removed. Hammering, sanding, and other disruptive movement could cause these items to fall, so tuck them away in another room until the installation is done.

Disconnect if necessary

If you’re putting new floors in your kitchen, laundry room, or another room with a gas hookup, arrange for the hookup to be disconnected for the duration of the install. Safety first!

Make way

There should be a clear, easy-to-navigate path for the installers – they will appreciate this, and it will make things easier on everyone involved. It will also cut down on the possibility of accidents, like someone knocking over a lamp or tripping over a pair of shoes while walking with equipment or flooring materials.

It might also be a good idea to lay a tarp or drop cover over areas where installers will be walking in and out of the space. If the installers are cutting tile or sanding hardwood, there may be dust and debris, so putting down a covering will help cut down on cleanup time once they’re done.

Get the right temperature

Depending on what sort of flooring you’re putting in, the planks or tiles may need time to acclimate to the temperature before being installed. Check with your retailer or installer if this is the case, and if so, what the temperature should be.

Have a plan in place

Remember, you won’t be able to access the room or rooms where your new floors are being installed, so be prepared for that – especially if your flooring is going into a high-traffic area, like your kitchen or a main bathroom.

This may seem obvious to you, but young children might forget – and if you have pets, they’ll need to be cordoned off to a crate or different area of the home. The last thing you want is your playful pup trying to romp into the room where installers are hard at work – especially if they’re using loud machinery and don’t realize it right away.

Often, the installation process can be loud. If you have pets who are sensitive to or frightened by noises – or unfamiliar people – it might be a good idea to have your furry friends stay with a friend, neighbor, or relative.

Follow all follow up instructions

Your installer might recommend that you stay off your new floors for a period of time – it could be a few hours, it could be a day or two. Listen to what they tell you – they’re the experts, and following their instructions can only improve the quality and lifespan of your floors.

Once again, congratulations on your new floors! We know this process can be overwhelming or stressful, but you’re one step closer to enjoying the floors of your dreams.

About The Author

Lauren Moore

April 12, 2019

Proud flooring aficionado and office dog mom, "Flauren" has been a professional writer and editor for more than a decade (though she still maintains her magnum opus was "The Day it Snowed Slurpees," written at the age of 6).