Let’s be honest – there aren’t a ton of ways to add a little pizzazz to your powder room. Other than a colorful vanity or quirky shower curtain, there isn’t too much room for creativity.

Well, except for the floors. Incorporating color, geometrics, variation, or unique layouts into your bathroom floor is a surefire way to spruce up the space. It may not be for everyone, but getting creative with the floor adds a certain flair.

If this sounds like your thing, we hope these patterned bathroom floors will help you get inspired!

About The Author

Lauren Moore

June 7, 2019

Proud flooring aficionado and office dog mom, "Flauren" has been a professional writer and editor for more than a decade (though she still maintains her magnum opus was "The Day it Snowed Slurpees," written at the age of 6).